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Preparing SMK Pembangunan Pacitan for the Digital Era: IoT and AI-Based Education Initiatives by Electronic Engineering Education Program Team
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Electronics and Informatics Engineering Education lecturers carry out PKM activities by taking topics on IOT and AI. The team of the Research Group of Electronics Engineering Education Study Program FT UNY who participated in PKM activities consisted of several lecturers (1) Dr. Dra. Umi Rochayati, M.T., (2) Ahmad Awaluddin Baiti, S.Pd.T., M.Pd., (3) Suprapto, Ph.D., (4) Dr. Drs. Pramudi Utomo, M.Si., (5) Dr. Ir. Drs. Masduki Zakarijah, M.T., (6) Dr.Phil. Ir. Mashoedah, S.Pd., M.T.. The implementation of activities was carried out from February to August 2024 from preparation to implementation of activities in the field at SMK Pembangunan Pacitan. The workshop was held on June 11-12 offline and June 13-15 online.
The urgency of the implementation of this PKM activity is that in an effort to respond to the changing needs of the times, SMK Pembangunan Pacitan adopts information and communication technology (ICT) as an integral part of the teaching and learning process. The principal of SMK Pacitan, emphasized that the utilization of ICT, particularly the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), has had a significant positive impact on learning methods at the school. "We are committed to continuing to develop the potential of this school so that our graduates are ready to face global competition," he said. However, like many other educational institutions, SMK Pembangunan Pacitan is also faced with both internal and external challenges. Internal challenges such as the lack of infrastructure and lack of time discipline from educators are the focus of improvement. While external challenges such as curriculum synchronization with the world of industry and the world of work require quick and responsive adaptation.
From the explanation of some of these problems, the RG group team has designed a Community Service Program (PKM) with a focus on two main aspects:
1. Development and Strengthening of Vocational Teacher Professionalism
One of the main solutions offered is the development and stabilization of vocational teacher professionalism. Through intensive workshops and periodic trainings, teachers and students will be given a deeper understanding of the application of IoT and AI in learning. The purpose of this training is to improve the quality of learning implementation that is more innovative and adaptive in accordance with current technological developments. The success indicator of this program is the increased ability of teachers and students in more interactive and personalized learning materials.
2. Learning Development Efforts in accordance with the Demands of the Digital Era
The second solution offered is an effort to develop learning in accordance with the demands of the digital era. Through workshops on the basic concepts of IoT and AI, teachers and students will be encouraged to utilize various tools and applications based on these technologies. In addition to the practical aspects, the workshop will also discuss the ethics of using technology in learning as well as strategies to overcome challenges that may arise. Thus, a significant improvement in learning effectiveness at SMK Pembangunan Pacitan is expected.
Each solution offered has a clear and measurable output target. For example, from the teacher professionalism development program, it is expected that an interactive learning module based on IoT and AI will be created within the first year of implementation. Meanwhile, from the efforts to develop learning in accordance with the digital era, the target is to increase the student satisfaction index with learning methods by 20% in the first two years. Another output is the publication of PKM activities in electronic media.
Through the implementation of this PKM, RG Electronics Engineering Education Study Program FT UNY not only aims to improve the quality of education in schools, but also to prepare the younger generation to face global challenges. With the support of local stakeholders and the education community, it is hoped that this program can make a positive contribution to the development of student potential and educational development in Pacitan Regency.
Thus, the RG of Electronics Engineering Education Study Program of FT UNY together with SMK Pembangunan Pacitan emphasize their commitment to continue to adapt to technological developments and the demands of the times in order to produce people who are not only faithful and independent, but also competent and ready to compete in the global workforce.
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