ICE-ELINVO 2019: Revolutionizing Future Communities with GreenTech Innovations

In many cases, technology projects sometimes have negative impacts such as waste of energy use, as well as the pace of innovation that worsens the environment. This kind of problem should be seen as an opportunity to develop technology to protect the environment by emphasizing the concept of Green Technology or called Greentech.

This concept aims to preserve the needs of the community in the future. This condition also urges industry and vocational education institutions to collaborate in developing Greentech as a key player in technology development and underlying the implementation of the 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education (ICE-ELINVO) organized by the Department of Electronics and Informatics Engineering Education and the Department of Electrical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University at EastParc Hotel (14/09 / 2019).

Taking the theme "Advancing Green Technology Application in Industry and Vocational Education," This international conference aims to contribute to the progress of Greentech. Dr. phill. Nurhening Yuniarti, chairman of the committee, said that Greentech is applied to preserve the needs of the community in the future.

"This innovation refers to a set of foundations for enhancing environmentally friendly alternative technologies, while education, in this case, serves as an effort to improve human understanding in applying Greentech in daily activities in order to promote a sustainable environment," he said.

This conference presented Prof. Emiritus Lance C.C. Fung, Ph.D. from the College of Science, Health, Engineering, and Education, of Murdoch University, Australia, who explained the relationship between Green Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Green Technology whereas invited speakers are Assoc. Prof. Thavatchal Tayjasanant, Ph.D. from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, and Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono, Ph.D., from Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia.

The output from this conference strongly suggests that Greentech applied in creating products is to minimize raw materials, streamline processes, and maximize product output but produce minimal waste.
